Brakker. 3 stk. Hovemoen Leir Lillehammer

All amounts in NOK
Highest bid 12 000,-
Reserve Price: (is met)
Increment: 100,-
VAT All bids ex VAT. VAT of 25% will be added.
Charges: Auction charges will be applied.
You confirm your bid in the next step. Read more about autobids
Started: 12.04.2015 14:00:00 Auction closed: 29.04.2015 16:59:54 CET

Product information and Technical condition

Technical Condition Report


  • BrandUnknown
  • ModelUnknown

Other information


Brakker uten hjulgang. 3 stk.
B 2.4 M,
H 2 M,
L 3.8 M

Materiellet er ikke tilstandsvurdert og kan ha feil og mangler.

Visning etter avtale
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Det gjøres oppmerksom på at salgsposten kan være underlagt Eksportkontrolloven og Forskrift om eksport av Forsvarsmateriell, flerbruksvarer, teknologi og tjenester. Lisensplikt er regulert i forskriftens kapittel 2 § 4 ''Lisensplikt etter varelister (Liste I og II) Ved ett eventuellt videresalg av slikt materiell er det opprinnelig kjøpers plikt å videreformidle gjeldene forskriftskrav om eksportlisens til ny kjøper. Dersom videresalget innebærer eksport av materiellet plikter opprinnelig kjøper å søke om eksportlisens fra Utenriksdepartementet før gjennomføring av salget.

Spørsmål kan rettes til


The material may be subject to export regulations. Export regulations may also affect the resale of this material. Customers bear the obligation to apply for and inform their customers about current export regulations and application process related to this.

Questions regarding export regulations and application process may be directed to Ministry of Foreign Affairs :

The Equipment shall be collected within 14 days after payment. Seller does not refund VAT (MVA) to international buyers. Buyer is responsible for applying for a possible refund from the authorities

Important sales information

Seller / Repr: Forsvaret Østlandet
Location Hovemoen Leir Lillehammer, Norway

General conditions

  • Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
  • Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
  • All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
  • Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
  • All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
  • An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
  • The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
  • The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.


CUSTOMER ID Date/time Bid
233593 29.04.2015 16:49:54 12 000
203495 29.04.2015 16:41:29 10 200
233593 29.04.2015 16:31:32 10 000
203495 29.04.2015 16:38:15 8 500
203495 29.04.2015 16:23:08 8 100
233593 29.04.2015 16:22:21 8 000
203495 29.04.2015 16:13:24 6 200
233593 29.04.2015 16:12:13 6 000
203495 29.04.2015 15:54:03 5 000
233593 29.04.2015 16:03:08 3 600
233593 29.04.2015 15:53:34 3 400
203495 29.04.2015 15:45:21 3 300
233593 29.04.2015 15:43:41 3 200
203495 28.04.2015 14:17:02 3 100
215140 25.04.2015 16:11:17 3 000
215140 25.04.2015 16:10:26 2 500
215140 25.04.2015 15:21:16 1 600
202320 22.04.2015 22:29:34 1 500
Minimum start bid 1500
*= Autobid